Can You Sue for a Rear-End Collision?
CO > Colorado Springs > Can You Sue for a Rear-End Collision?
How Do I Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer?
How Much Do Lawyers Charge for Car Accident Claims?
How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
Is it Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?
Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?
What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?
What Information Does My Car Accident Lawyer Need from Me?
What Lawyer Deals with Car Accidents?
What Percentage Do Car Accident Lawyers Take?
What Questions Should I Ask My Car Accident Lawyer?
Will My Car Accident Lawyer Deal with the Insurance Companies for Me?
When Should You Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident?
How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated in a Car Accident Case?
What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident?
What Is the Average Time for a Car Accident Settlement?
Do You Always Get a Settlement From a Car Accident?
How Much is a Rear-End Accident Worth?
How Much is Pain and Suffering Worth in a Car Accident?
Can Car Accident Injuries Be Delayed?
How Long Does Pain Last After a Car Accident?
How Long After a Car Accident Can Symptoms Appear?
What Should I Do at the Scene of a Car Accident?
What Should You Do Immediately After a Car Accident?
What Should I Do in the Days Following a Car Accident?
Can You Sue Someone for a Minor Car Accident?
Can You Represent Yourself in a Car Accident Case?
Can You Sue for a Rear-End Collision?
Who Is at Fault in a Rear-End Collision?
Do You Have To Go to Court for a Car Accident?
Can I Sue After a Car Accident if I Was not Hurt?
How Is Fault Determined in a Multi-Vehicle Car Accident?
How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident?
What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Car Accident?
What Damages Can I Collect for a Car Accident?
What Happens if I am At Fault for a Car Accident?
What Happens if the At-Fault Party Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?
What Is a Fair Settlement for a Car Accident?
If you were rear-ended and someone else was at fault, you may file a lawsuit after the fact. If you hire a lawyer to represent you in a vehicle accident case, they will examine the scene to see who, if anybody, is at fault for your injuries. You then can directly negotiate with the driver’s negligence other party or file a formal complaint with the appropriate local legal system.
Personal injury cases are our specialty. Colorado springs car accident property damage cases are all we do. We are ready, willing, and qualified if we need to file a personal injury lawsuit.
Learn How to Get Your Life Back
Quantifying A Rear-End Collision
Rear-end crashes are one of the most common types of car accidents, as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Almost 30% of all traffic accidents are like these, accounting for many annual deaths. A majority of these mishaps result from two vehicles that:
Anger or other unethical conduct while driving
Fatigue driving
Accidents caused by drivers who were texting, chatting on the phone, eating, or otherwise diverted their attention from the road for a lengthy time
Drunk driving is illegal.
Any other form of mistakes
Car breakdown due to a mechanical issue
Remember that if your car is damaged in a rear-end collision, regardless of who was the front driver or at fault, you may file a lawsuit against the responsible person. Yet, if you can pinpoint the incident’s root cause, it will be far simpler to calculate any potential damages.
Suing for a Rear-End Collision
Although the laws governing liability differ from state to state, it may be challenging many drivers to grasp the concept. Car accident attorneys and injured drivers may face easier or harder liability determinations from insurance companies depending on how seriously they weigh the blame.
A car accident attorney, however, may also address the site of an accident and utilize evidence found there to determine how much fault each party involved in the incident bears. Some examples of evidence that might be used to prove fault and, therefore, the number of damages to which you are entitled can include:
The accident site police reports
Testimony from anybody with a stake in the outcome of the case, such as witnesses or shop owners who may have been harmed in addition to the accident’s primary victims
Real-time video of the collision from a dashboard cam, a street camera, or another source
Post-crash images taken using a camera phone
Witness Testimony
Personal injury medical records from hospitals and clinics that saw patients injured in the accident
If you are not seriously injured and still debating whether to pursue legal action, you should gather as much information as possible at the accident scene.
Types of Damages You Can Claim After a Rear-End Collision
Damages from a rear-end collision might include the cost of fixing your car and any other serious medical costs or expenses you incurred due to the accident. Having a solicitor specializing in car accident cases assess your claim is an excellent way to ensure you get what you deserve. For example, some of the possible losses are as follows:
Expenses incurred due to being unable to work as a result of an accident
If you have been injured and cannot return to your previous line of work, you may see a drop in pay.
Any adjustments to your house that were necessary because of a handicap brought on by an accident
Intangible losses include emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life
Wrongful Death
If your loved one was killed in a rear-end incident, you could file a wrongful death claim against the at-fault driver or rear driver with the assistance and free consultation of a team of skilled lawyers. You may seek compensation for the following in a wrongful death law suit:
Arrangements for the funeral and burial of your loved one
Companionship Dissolution
Judgment of Punishment
Loss of a means of support
Bringing Together Your Compensation
When you prepare your case against the negligent driver or responsible party, you must determine how much money you are entitled to in damages and provide supporting evidence. After an accident in which you were the rear vehicle, you may pursue reimbursement recover damages via the following channels:
The price of any necessary medical treatments you sought before filing a complaint to regain your pre-injury standard of living.
Future medical operations may be necessary to improve your life quality and associated costs.
The price of any assistive medical devices you may need to get your life back to normal.
The price of any prescription drugs you may need to regain your old life.
Therapy that uses movement to treat illness or injury
Treatment for mental health issues
The cost of property lost in the collision, including the value of your vehicle and any personal belongings you happened to have in it.
Income reduction
Misfortune: Lost job opportunity
Harm and agony
Negligent homicide, if relevant
Remember that your case’s specifics might make it vulnerable to hefty fines. These fees, which a judge may only assess, are aimed at deterring the conduct that causes rear-end collisions and can earn you compensation beyond what is available via the channels above. Whether you have lost wages or medical bills or need to file a wrongful death lawsuit, we are here.
Fighting for Your Settlement
The good news is that seeking possible compensation does not necessarily need going to court. One of the people involved in a rear-end accident with you may want to make you an offer after the incident. At first, you may not be interested in accepting settlements like this, and you may leave the scene and discuss the settlement offer with a lawyer later.
You may calculate your compensation to assess whether the relevant offer meets your requirements. If you do not think initial offer or the settlement will adequately compensate you for your losses, you may always initiate a lawsuit against the responsible party.
If you are worried about how much it will cost to take legal action following a rear-end incident, you might ask a local law firm about their fees. Regarding automobile accident injury claims and other cases, most personal injury attorneys operate on contingency and waive their costs if you do not get compensation for your losses.
Never Accept the Initial Settlement Offer. You Get
Regardless of the circumstances of the parties involved in a vehicle accident, the legal system responds similarly. The insurance company for the negligent motorist will contact you in the days after the collision. There is a chance they may give you a settlement that seems reasonable at first, but you should not take it.
It is common to practice for the first settlement offer to fall well short of what is needed to compensate you for the full recovery of your losses. Accepting the first offer might mean waiving your ability to sue for extra compensation for your losses.
The same insurance provider or company may try to find yet another method to exploit this data against you. In the event of a rear-end collision, you should seek the counsel of an experienced solicitor to ensure your rights are fully protected. A lawyer will be able to investigate your claim and provide you with advice on whether or not the settlement offer you have received is reasonable.
When to Sue for a Rear-End Collision Accident
A personal injury claim for compensation should be your first step following a rear-end collision. It is common knowledge that the motorist in the vehicle ahead or back is usually at blame in rear-end collisions. That person or motor vehicle’s insurance company is where you will be submitting your claim.
After a rear-end incident, if the insurance company is uncooperative in reaching a fair settlement, you may need legal action to get the money you are owed. It is well within your legal rights to do so, and your automobile accident solicitor will be there to advise you every step of the way.
Preparing for the Rear-End Collision Lawsuit
You and your attorney must start the following steps immediately if you want to sue for the rear-end collision.
Gather Evidence to Prove Fault
You will need proof that the other driver or motorist was careless, that their conduct led to your crash, and that your injuries were a direct consequence of the collision. The police report from the incident will be the primary piece of evidence.
The extent to which the accident has affected your life must be shown. You should accurately document any costs incurred as a result of the accident, including but not limited to the following:
Costs associated with healthcare, including visits to the doctor, hospitalizations, prescriptions, and surgical procedures
Anticipated future medical expenses
Replacement or maintenance of a vehicle
Income loss because of illness or other absence from work
Bonuses and any extra money you were expecting to get from work but did not because of the accident
Damages for suffering and pain represent the victim’s loss of quality of life as a direct consequence of the incident.
Bills, receipts, and paychecks may attest to some of these losses. A vehicle accident attorney can assist you in proving the others, however. Their expertise will allow you to demonstrate the scope of your losses, including intangible emotional harm.
File a Complaint
After you have enough proof of what transpired and the extent of your injuries, you should make a formal complaint outlining the events leading up to car accident lawyer your request for financial restitution.
Suing for damages sustained in your incident starts after a formal complaint is filed. It does not guarantee that you will win in court, but it does signal to the negligent party that you intend to pursue compensation for your losses.
Your Statute of Limitations for a Rear-End Collision
There are varying deadlines for making an accident claim in each state. In Colorado, for instance, if you were injured in an accident and had financial losses. As a result, you have two years from the accident date to file a claim for compensation under Colorado Code. Our Colorado Springs car accident legal team knows the legal process inside and out.
You need to move immediately if you do not want to blow your opportunity for financial redemption. The civil courts may reject claims for a rear-end accident filed after this date.
Traffic Laws That Could Help You Win Your Case
This guideline states that the motorist in the back should give the distracted driving the automobile in front of them two seconds of space to avoid a rear-end accident. A minimum of two seconds should elapse between the two motor vehicles.
This tried-and-true method of traffic safety allows the car behind to stop in time if the car in front of it suddenly stops. Along with other evidence, your attorney handling legal representation for your vehicle accident case may utilize this to establish who was at fault.
You Can Still Recover Compensation if You’re Partially At-Fault
There are fault laws that you must be familiar with. For instance, Colorado uses a modified comparative negligence approach regarding vehicle accidents. When someone else is more to blame than you, you may sue them for financial damages. But, the amount of money you get will be lowered by your proportion of fault to other vehicles.
In the hypothetical situation, if you were 20% at fault for the rear-end collision, your potential financial recovery would be reduced by the same percentage. It will be up to an insurance claims adjuster or a judge and jury to decide who is to blame since there is no foolproof way to establish responsibility in most rear-end accidents.
A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help with Your Rear-End Accident
Remember that if you are involved in a car crash or a rear-end collision, you do not have to wait for your insurance company to provide legal help or you with money. If you have questions about your legal options after a car accident, you may contact the Warrior Car Accident Injuries Attorneys team. A lawyer specializing in auto accidents may advise you on filing a complaint with the court or representing you in settlement negotiations.
Warrior Car Accident Attorneys are not afraid to take on difficult situations. Contact a lawyer specializing in auto accidents to begin constructing your case.
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What Should You Do Immediately After a Car Accident?
What Should I Do in the Days Following a Car Accident?
Can You Sue Someone for a Minor Car Accident?
Can You Represent Yourself in a Car Accident Case?
Can You Sue for a Rear-End Collision?
Can I Sue After a Car Accident if I Was not Hurt?
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What Damages Can I Collect for a Car Accident?
What Happens if I am At Fault for a Car Accident?
What Happens if the At-Fault Party Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?
What Is a Fair Settlement for a Car Accident?
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